Arignar Anna Zoo
The Zoo is located 32 Kms from Chennai. Vandalur is the closest railway station. The Zoo was created in Guindy and was shifted from the then Madras City to Vandalur Reserve Forest and a modern Zoological Park was established in 1979 by the Tamil Nadu Forest Department. Spread over 510 ha. of dry evergreen forests with gentle undulating terrain, the specially created open wet and dry island type enclosures with hidden walls and simulated natural environment help the animals, birds and reptiles to feel their natural environment. Chimpanzee, the nearest ancestor to human beings, keeps you busy for a while.
Safari Parks for Lion and Deer
Reptile House
Nocturnal animal house
Walk through aviaries
Prey-predator concept enclosures (Tiger - Sambar)
Jurassic Park
Elephant joy ride
Battery operated vehicles
Childrens park
Education centre
The Zoo is open from 9 AM to 5 PM on all days except tuesdays.
There are battery operated vehicles available for public usage.